Home Meetings Session 4 : Spanish capital in imperialist interference in Latin America

[Madrid Colloquium] Session 4 : Spanish capital in imperialist interference in Latin America

On June 9, Session 4, “Spanish capital in imperialist interference in Latin America,” was held in Madrid, Spain, as part of the Colloquium on “The situation of World War 3 and the anti-imperialist and antifascist struggle.”

Session 4 took place from 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Eduardo Artés, First Secretary of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action), and Richard Venavides, Coordinator of the International Solidarity Communication Brigades of the PSUV, spoke.

Eduardo Artés said, “Cuba and Venezuela have suffered tremendously where the coup d’état took place. The impact of the United States in Latin America is difficult to understand from the outside,” he said, noting that” the United States talks about de-unification, which is the opposite of the integration we talk about.

“There have been various reactionary coups in Central and South America, including Chile and Argentina,” he said, “and the Zionists are involved. They see Latin American people being tortured and investigated, which is not surprising. The U.S. even traffics in human beings in Latin America,” he said.

Also, he cited the Communist Party of Greece’s “imperialist pyramid” as a danger in the anti-imperialist movement. “Latin America has a long history of anti-imperialist struggle. But the “imperialist pyramid” calls Maduro’s government an empire. It says Russia, China, and Iran are all imperialists,” he said, criticizing what he called” a deviation from the international communist movement.

He added, “We need to build and strengthen the axis of resistance against imperialism,” and “Popular mobilization is important in Latin America. We cannot fight the enemy victoriously without a mass movement,” he emphasized.

Richard Venavides said, “Together with the revolutionary forces, we are the socialist forces,” and “Spanish capital’s interference in Latin America is an important issue. The big media created a constant war, but they couldn’t continue anymore. They couldn’t control the government. When Chávez made social changes, he took them from the robbers,” he explained.

“The media then said that Chávez was committing massacres. When Chávez came to power, his idea was to give the mass media back to the people,” he said, adding,” Spanish capital wants to control Latin America. They block us, control the food industry, etc. They impose a lot of sanctions,” he said.

“Maduro will be elected again, but it won’t be the end. We need revolutionary solidarity, not capitalism, to serve the people,” he said, adding,” Maduro’s election is clear, but we have to win the ideological battle. We will be stronger and stronger,” he concluded.

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