The World Anti-imperialist Platform hosted Colloquium on “The Expansion of NATO and Anti-Russian War” in Washington D.C. on July 7th.
The Colloquium got started after holding demonstrations in front of the White House. The first session was conducted from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
It was started with the video speech from Tatiana Desiatova, the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of Russian Federation.
Anatole Sawosik from the PRCF, France read the speech of Alexay Albu from Borotba, Ukraine for him, and David Savard from the ASLN, Quebec read the speech of Jozef Bossuyt from the PCB, Belgium for him. Subsequently, Christopher Helalil from the PCUSA, USA and Miguel Angel from Unión Proletaria, Spain delivered their speeches.
Tatiana Desiatova pointed out, “We are all eye-witnessing how Western (mainly American) imperialism is intensifying its international expansion, increasingly brazenly interfering in the affairs of sovereign states and unleashing a sanctions war against countries that refuse to submit to the dictates of the globalists, drawing the world into the abyss of a large-scale slaughter.” and emphasized, “more and more residents of different countries are ready to raise their voices against Washington’s and NATO aggressive line.”
Alexey Albu highlighted, “Western strategists realized that it was impossible to organize a color revolution in Russia, which means that it can only be weakened by military force.” and stated, “This is the real reason for the coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, the rise to power of the ultra-right and the transformation of Ukraine into a militarist state.”
Furthermore, he emphasized, “On February 24, 2022, the Special Military Operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine began. Many cities and towns were liberated by the forces of the Russian Federation, thousands of neo-Nazis were liquidated. Tens of thousands of crimes that were committed by the Ukrainian ultra-right from 2014 to 2024 have been solved.”
Jozef Bossuyt stated, “From 10 to 15 May a delegation of the World Anti-imperialist Platform visited the Republic of Lugansk” and affirmed, “the Ukrainian army acts in this war in the same way the Israel army acts in Gaza, bombing, killing the civilian population, destroying schools, hospitals, apartments, the same cruelty of a genocide.”
The presentation from Christopher Helali, the international secretary of the PCUSA continued.
He emphasized, “The greatest enemy was not the Nazis, but that was always the Soviet Union.”, and “Immediately following World War 2, prominent former Nazi officers, engineers, scientists, and intellectuals were given prime spots within the new structures of the West”.
He also stated, “It is a well-known fact After World War 2, the communists in Italy would have triumphed had it not been for the US and European intervention in the elections. The same holds true in many ways for France and Greece.”
He criticized that their plan is that Russia is too big, that Russia has many diverse nations that comprise it, and the plan would be dismember Russian Federation, because the people in the East, the central Asia, Siberia and Caucasus deserve self-determination, however, Palestinians do not deserve self-determination. He added that this is the hypocrisy of the West.
Afterwards, the presentation of Miguel Angel, the president of Unión Proletaria, proceeded.
He pointed out, “Within the European bourgeoisies, the financial oligarchies are highly dependent on the economic, monetary, political and military strength of the United States.” and added, “On the other hand, the business of the industrial and agrarian middle bourgeoisie is harmed. As a consequence, the employment and living conditions of the majority of wage earners worsen.”
He asserted, “The popular demand for sovereignty is not reactionary but democratic, and only by fighting for it, together with the other democratic demands, will we be able to contribute to the defeat of imperialism and the victory of socialism.”
In the subsequent Q&A session, regarding the visit to Luhansk region, Christopher Helali analyzed that formerly Eastern parts of Ukraine always were some of the most nostalgic for the Soviet Union, a lot of the history is maintained and a lot of the Nostalgia for the communal aspects of Soviet living is in Ukraine. Moreover, he stated that Russian Federation has put in tremendous resources to rebuild much of what was lost, such as factories, whereas the government in Ukraine never invested in the East.