Participating in a Declaration

About the Paris Declaration

The Paris Declaration was written in order to clarify the position that anti-imperialists should be taking towards the accelerating drive to war – a drive towards global conflagration that is leaving no corner of the world untouched.
To add to the ‘local wars’ that the imperialists have never ceased to wage all over the oppressed world (in Africa, in Asia, in Latin America), the economic crisis of their failing system is now forcing them to drive towards a total global war, through which they hope to destroy and break up the block of socialist and independent states that stands in the way of their ability to plunder the resources of the whole world.
As the Ukrainian proxy war against Russia rages in eastern Europe, and as proxy wars against China via Taiwan and against the DPRK via south Korea are being prepared in east Asia, the Paris Declaration has the potential to become a powerful weapon, providing clarity, direction and unity to anti-imperialist forces – and through them to the masses of workers and oppressed peoples all over the world on whose shoulders the burdens of crisis and war fall most heavily.
This historic declaration was launched on 14 October 2022. It remains open for revolutionary and anti-imperialist parties and organisations to sign.

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