Let Us March Forward Towards Victory, Holding Higher The Banner of Anti-Imperialism!
Today we are living in the era of the third world war. In eastern Europe, the war in Ukraine broke out in 2022, and in east Asia,...
'Down With Imperialism, Colonialism, and Zionism!'
Distinguished comrades, delegates, and guests,
On behalf of the Party of Communists USA, I bring the warmest greetings, solidarity, and best wishes for the success of this conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in...
Recent Japan Situation and Anti-US Imperialism Movement
1. DPRK missile
In April 2023, North Korea launched a missile, and emergency alerts went off on TV and cell phones in Japan. It stirs up fear of North Korea among the Japanese...
English / Spanish
'Forward with The Worldwide Development of The Anti-Imperialist Platform!'
Comrade members of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, to the organizations and Parties present, to their leaders and political cadres, in the name of the First Secretary of...
The Deepening Contradictions of Imperialism
Comrades, I began my party’s contribution to our conference in Caracas two months ago by saying that our event was taking place at a time of crucial importance for the world struggle against imperialism.
Dear comrades!
The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) welcomes the organisers and participants of the International Conference of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform and wishes the forum every success.
The International Conference of the World Anti-Imperialist...
English / Russian
On A New Factor In The Anti-Imperialist Struggle Of The Twenty-First Century
Imperialism, completely subject to the law of constant profit and super-profit, exists from two main sources. In the first place, the monopolies, which...
English / Russian
The Worker Against Imperialism
Lenin was quite right when he said that "war serves as a natural means of eliminating the discrepancy between the growth of productive forces, primarily in the idiotic form of accumulation of...
‘Russia, China, and DPRK Have Gathered The Strength To Defy Global Us Hegemony’
Dear comrades,
In these turbulent times of US imperialist aggression all across the world, from the blockade of Cuba to the war in Ukraine to imperialist pressure...
English / Spanish
'The Front Of Struggle Of The Communists Is Twofold and Simultaneous'
Dear Comrades:
In Proletarian Union we see with concern that the danger of imperialist world war continues to grow despite the fact that NATO is not...
English / Spanish
Gwangju and the traitor Chun Doo Hwan
The 18th may 1980 and being in a long dictatorship disguised as western democracy (with the traitors Ri Seung Man Also Known As Syngman Rhee, Pak Chun Hi and...
La construcción del poder popular y la lucha contra el imperialismo
Por: Ricardo López Risso
Sub Secretario General
Partido Comunista Peruano
1. La estrategia de la guerra ideológica del imperialismo en América Latina.
a. La desideologización del movimiento popular y el populismo de...
Queridos camaradas
Ante todos reciban el saludo fraternal del Partido del Pueblo de Panamá y la seguridad de que hemos recibido y atendido vuestra petición de incorporarnos con nuestro pronunciamiento a vuestra iniciativa de convocar una reunión el próximo...
Chers et chères camarades
Tout d’abord je veux vous apporter le salut fraternel de l’ANC de France et nos remerciements au PDP qui non seulement nous accueille mais joue un rôle prépondérant dans le développement de cette plateforme outil de...
Chers Camarades,
La Dynamique Unitaire Panafricaine (DUP) est honorée de prendre part à cette rencontre internationale anti-impérialiste et au congrès du PDP. Le délégué que je suis a eu le bonheur de séjourner à plusieurs reprises dans ce beau pays la...
Long Live Comrades!
Warm Greetings
First of all, I really want to express my gratitude to the Organizing Committee for this event, which has given me the opportunity to convey my writings and views.
As many of us all know,...
La necesaria lucha antiimperialista
Estamos asistiendo cotidianamente a la continuidad de la crisis capitalista y de su máximo exponente, el imperialismo estadounidense.
Esta situación profundiza la visión de que el sistema mundo actual es inestable, caótico, pone en peligro la paz...
The possibility of adopting the Yuan and other currencies to back trade and the flow of investments between the two countries, a standard that may be extended to the entire Brics, adds to the intention, already announced by...
El imperio ha desarrollado un método de guerra que ha llamado “Guerra Total en Tiempos de Globalización”, en la que el agresor puede ser un protagonista estatal o no estatal...
No to fascism ! Resist US-led war !
Immediately after the overthrow of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US Department of Defense decided that the principal goal of the US’ relations with Russia and the former Soviet states ...