‘Russia, China, and DPRK Have Gathered The Strength To Defy Global Us Hegemony’ – New Communist Party of Montenegro (Montenegro)


‘Russia, China, and DPRK Have Gathered The Strength To Defy Global Us Hegemony’

Dear comrades,

In these turbulent times of US imperialist aggression all across the world, from the blockade of Cuba to the war in Ukraine to imperialist pressure in Taiwan and Korea, us anti-imperialists from all around the world must join up forces. History teaches us that the evil of imperialism can only be successfully fought against if its attacked on multiple fronts, by international solidarity of the oppressed.

Victory of anti-imperialist forces, victory of the global working class, can only be achieved with the realisation that the fascist junta in Ukraine, quisling governments of South Korea, Taiwan, the Philiphines etc. are all united under the banner of US imperialism. Only when the anti-imperialists forces reach the unity that the imperialists forces have can they be victorious. To realise that unity, our task is to educate the masses on the topic, to explain to them that the anti-fascist struggle that Russia is leading in Ukraine is the same struggle as the progressive forces in Korea, Taiwan and the rest of east Asia are leading against the US military intervention.

United in struggle, progressive anti-imperialist forces inside the imperialist core (EU, NATO countries) and those in the imperialist periphery, where the struggle is directly taking place in form of wars, sanctions and threats ( Balkans, Ukraine, Korea ), have to each take action in their own way and aid the struggle of the anti-imperialist role of Russia, China and DPR Korea on the international scene. Those in the imperialist core are to support the anti-war efforts in sense of allying with the forces preventing the so called “lethal aid” and the money stolen from their country’s budget being sent to the fascist junta in Ukraine and soldiers of their countries being sent to aid US imperialism in the Middle East and the Pacific. Their task also should be to break the US propaganda machine and expose their lies on the issues of the Taiwan crisis, war in Ukraine and other struggles, to open the eyes of the masses to the truth. Those anti-imperialist forces that are directly in countries threatened by imperialism should join up the efforts of the anti-imperialist side of the conflict in their countries, following the example of the brave anti-fascist fighters in Donbass region who took up arms against the fascist junta taking power in Ukraine during the events of Euromaidan in 2014.

Recent anniversaries of NATO crimes that happened in 1999 in our country of Montenegro as well as in Serbia remind us that our enemy never had empathy towards people of any country and that in future events our people may meet the same fate as NATO imperialists continue to strengthen their grip on Balkans. However unlike in the 1999 in Yugoslavia and 2014 in Ukraine, the people today aren’t alone. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991 there hasn’t been, until recently, any great threat to the US hegemony and imperialism, while nowadays we can see that countries like Russia, China and DPR Korea have gathered the strength to defy global US hegemony, thus allying themselves with the progressive anti-imperialist struggles of the people all around the world. In the case the imperialists ignite a Third World War, the global working class will have strong allies on their side and won’t be left alone. Our main goal should be precisely to let them understand that fact and help them build a base for an everlasting peace without the evils of imperialism!

Long live international solidarity!

Long live Marxism-Lenism!

The people united will never be defeated!