Statement about the solidarity with peoples of Serbia against imperialist occupation of Kosovo (Signing)

English / Serbian


Statement about the solidarity with peoples of Serbia against imperialist occupation of Kosovo
Proposed by NKPJ(New Communist Party of Yugoslavia)

We strongly condemn illegal and brutal imperialist occupation of Southern province of Serbia – Kosovo, and therefore we are standing:

• Against the imperialist project of the so-called the independent state of Kosovo, whose existence corresponds to NATO’s levers of power, and which are directly directed against the interests of freedom in the Balkans;

• Against the recognition of the so-called independent Kosovo as a policy openly directed against peace, stability and prosperity, which is implemented for the sake of expansionist goals of big capital, and that was born in illegal and bloody NATO intervention against Yugoslavia in 1999;

• Against the policy of division in the Balkans and ending the establishment of EU and NATO protectorates embodied in the so-called to the state of Kosovo, which is the base for new military interventions and control of the Balkans and the wider area and the creation of new hotspots and pretexts for military interventions by NATO and US.



Najoštrije osuđujemo nelegalnu i brutalnu imperijalističku okupaciju južne srpske pokrajine – Kosova, i zato ostajemo:

• Protiv imperijalističkog projekta tzv. nezavisne države Kosovo, čije postojanje odgovara polugama moći NATO-a, a koje su direktno usmerene protiv interesa slobode na Balkanu;

• Protiv priznavanja tzv. nezavisnog Kosova kao politike otvoreno uperene protiv mira, stabilnosti i prosperiteta, koja se sprovodi zarad ekspanzionističkih ciljeva krupnog kapitala, a koja je nastala u ilegalnoj i krvavoj intervenciji NATO-a na Jugoslaviju 1999. godine;

• Protiv politike podele na Balkanu i okončanja uspostavljanja EU i NATO protektorata oličenih u tzv. državi Kosovo, koja je osnova za nove vojne intervencije i kontrolu Balkana i šireg prostora i stvaranje novih žarišta i izgovora za vojne intervencije NATO-a i SAD.

Signing Organizations

1. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia – NKPJ

2. Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

3. People‘s Democracy Party 

4. Russian Communist Workers’ Party

5. Communist Party (Switzerland)   

6. Communist Party (Italy)

7. Hungarian Workers’ Party

8. Belarusian Republican Organization of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 

9. Baltic Platform

10. Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity

11. Platform for Independence – Greece

12. Levica Macedonia

13. Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia

14. New Communist Party of Montenegro 

15. Spanish Avantgarde 

16. Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) 

17. Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

18. Belgium Korea Friendship Association

19. Communist Party of Poland

20. Pole of Communist Revival in France

21. Italian Communist Party

22. Peruvian Communist Party

23. Lebanese Communist Party

24. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

25. Union Proletariat

26. Pole of Communist Revival in France

27. Party of Communists USA