Los brillantes logros de Hugo Chávez

Spanish / English / Korean


Los brillantes logros de Hugo Chávez

Podemos resumir la contribución del Comandante Hugo Chávez a la lucha antiimperialista -una contribución cuyo legado nos acompaña hoy- en cinco logros significativos.

En primer lugar, encontró métodos revolucionarios adecuados para Venezuela y los aplicó con éxito. Como bien sabemos por el colapso del gobierno de Allende en Chile, la revolución no puede lograrse por medios puramente electorales. Nuestra historia demuestra que la lucha armada y el levantamiento popular son necesarios para cambiar la sociedad. Siguiendo los ejemplos de Cuba, Nicaragua y Argelia, se desarrolló el modelo venezolano. El comandante Hugo Chávez educó y organizó a 10.000 soldados en su ejército y los llevó a la rebelión. A pesar del fracaso militar de esta revuelta, se ganó el corazón de la gente, lo que le permitió llegar al poder mediante unas elecciones. Cabe señalar que en mi propio país, los ocupantes estadounidenses controlan totalmente nuestro ejército. Para evitar que surja una tendencia similar de liberación nacional en el ejército surcoreano, sustituyen a los comandantes con frecuencia y los jubilan anticipadamente.

En segundo lugar, dirigió la Revolución Bolivariana. Al revitalizar el espíritu y los logros de Simón Bolívar, logró no sólo reavivar el espíritu de lucha antiimperialista, sino también el objetivo de la unidad latinoamericana. Bajo tal símbolo, el movimiento revolucionario venezolano ha sido capaz de abarcar no sólo a los militares revolucionarios y a los trabajadores sino también a las capas medias, y no sólo en Venezuela sino en todo el continente. Por eso el ALBA (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América), uno de los logros revolucionarios más importantes de Venezuela, sigue estando en el candelero hasta el día de hoy. ABLA ha desempeñado un papel importantísimo ayudando al pueblo venezolano a afrontar la prueba más difícil del atroz bloqueo económico dirigido por Estados Unidos. Comprendiendo la necesidad de la fuerza en los números, el Partido de la Democracia Popular de Corea del Sur también hace hincapié en la política de que los países del Pacífico Occidental formen una única comunidad económica y de paz.

En tercer lugar, la Revolución Bolivariana estableció una serie de misiones para el pueblo y por el pueblo. El Comandante Chávez planificó, impulsó y representó personalmente, de forma fácilmente comprensible para todos, la esencia de las medidas de reforma democrática del pueblo por parte del grupo gobernante revolucionario. Fue una política para el pueblo y una política del pueblo al mismo tiempo. Dio ejemplo, brillando más allá del siglo, al hacer una política que recogía la demanda independiente de cada persona, y la llevó a cabo aprovechando la capacidad creadora de esas personas. En particular, incluso en la peor situación económica resultante de la combinación de los bajos precios del petróleo y el bloqueo económico, el camarada Nicolás Maduro, que sucedió a Hugo Chávez en la presidencia, logró un éxito digno de mención en el cumplimiento de la Gran Misión Vivienda. Algunos de estos éxitos los hemos comprobado nosotros mismos en la Exposición de Arquitectura que organizamos con Jean-François Parent en Seúl (Corea del Sur), a la que invitamos al legendario arquitecto latinoamericano Fruto Vivas, y en nuestras propias visitas a Venezuela. En esta misma línea, el Partido de la Democracia Popular de Corea del Sur populariza los lemas: “Devolvamos al pueblo sus propios bienes”, y “Partiendo del servicio al pueblo mediante la reapropiación de la riqueza, ¡hagamos avanzar constantemente el bienestar del pueblo!”.

En cuarto lugar, el camarada Chávez dirigió la construcción de un partido, el PSUV, que tiene características de frente único. Esto se hizo abrazando audazmente a partidos y organizaciones políticas que tenían el mismo deseo de llevar a cabo una revolución democrática popular para el pueblo y por el pueblo. Un tipo similar de partido, Akel, existe en Chipre, en el Mediterráneo, aunque Akel comenzó su vida como partido comunista. En Corea del Sur también tuvimos la experiencia de construir el Partido Democrático del Trabajo, que englobaba a casi todas las fuerzas políticas progresistas de Corea del Sur en el año 2000, pero fue disuelto a la fuerza después de 15 años por el gobierno fascista. Los enemigos del pueblo trabajador, incluida la clase obrera, tienen mucho miedo de que las fuerzas progresistas, incluidas las fuerzas revolucionarias, se unan políticamente como una sola.

Quinto, la Revolución Bolivariana ha llevado al inicio de la construcción de la Comuna. Nos emociona que las últimas palabras de Hugo Chávez no fueran sobre el partido sino sobre la Comuna. Con las palabras, “¡Comuna o Nada!”, dejó una instrucción de gran peso en los últimos momentos de su vida, recordando al pueblo que el objetivo más importante para la construcción organizativa, la construcción política sigue siendo la construcción de la Comuna, que los revolucionarios y activistas deben tener en mente de por vida – no, para siempre. Los revolucionarios y activistas de Corea del Sur también consideramos sinceramente que éste es nuestro objetivo más crucial. Durante las primeras etapas de la revolución coreana, después de nuestra liberación del imperialismo japonés en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, nuestro pueblo comenzó a construir un régimen, que arraigó entre la gente, según el modelo de la Comuna. En el Sur, esto fue destruido cuando las fuerzas estadounidenses entraron como ejército de ocupación. En el Norte, en cambio, obtuvo éxito tras éxito y se ha desarrollado continuamente desde entonces.

El valor de cualquier vida puede verse en el brillo de sus logros. No cabe duda de que la vida y la contribución de Hugo Chávez seguirán brillando en la historia de su patria, de América Latina, de los trabajadores y de la humanidad.


Hugo Chávez’s Shining Achievements

We can summarize Commander Hugo Chávez’s contribution to the anti-imperialist struggle – a contribution whose legacy is with us today – into five significant achievements.

First, he found revolutionary methods that were suitable for Venezuela, and successfully implemented them. As we well know from the collapse of the Allende government in Chile, revolution cannot be achieved by purely electoral means. Our history shows that armed struggle and popular uprising are necessary to change society. Following the examples of Cuba, Nicaragua and Algeria, the Venezuelan model was developed. Commander Hugo Chávez educated and organized 10,000 soldiers in his army, and led them to rebellion. In spite of the military failure of this revolt, he won people’s hearts, enabling him to come to office through an election. It is noteworthy that in my own country, the US occupiers thoroughly control our military. In order to prevent a similar national-liberation trend arising in the south Korean army, they replace commanders often and retire them early.

Second, he led the Bolivarian Revolution. By revitalizing the spirit and achievements of Simon Bolivar, he was able not only to reawaken the spirit of anti-imperialist struggle but also the aim of Latin-American unity. Under such a symbol, the Venezuelan revolutionary movement has been able to embrace not only revolutionary military and working people but also middle strata, and not only in Venezuela but across the continent. This is why ALBA (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América), one of Venezuela’s most important revolutionary accomplishments, remains in the limelight to this day. ABLA has played a most important role in helping the Venezuelan people face the most difficult ordeal of the atrocious US-led economic blockade. Understanding the need for strength in numbers, the People’s Democracy Party of south Korea also emphasizes the policy that western Pacific countries should form a single economic and peace community.

Third, the Bolivarian Revolution established a number of missions for the people and by the people. Comandante Chávez personally planned, pushed ahead and represented, in a way that everyone can easily understand, the essence of people’s democratic reform measures by the revolutionary governing group. It was a policy for the people and a policy by the people at the same time. He set an example, shining beyond the century, by making a policy that collected the independent demand of each person, and accomplished the policy by harnessing the creative abilities of those people. In particular, even in the worst economic situation resulting from the combination of low oil prices and the economic blockade, Comrade Nicolás Maduro, who succeeded Hugo Chávez as president, achieved a most noteworthy success in fulfilling the Great Housing Mission. We have seen some of this success for ourselves when we held an Architecture Exhibition with Jean-Francois Parent in Seoul, south Korea, to which we invited legendary Latin-American architect Fruto Vivas, and in our own visits to Venezuela. Along these same lines, the People’s Democracy Party of south Korea popularizes the slogans: “Give back their own goods to the people”, and “Starting from serving the people through the reappropriation of the wealth, let us constantly advance people’s welfare!”

Fourth, Comrade Chávez led the construction of a party, the PSUV, that has characteristics of united front. This was done by boldly embracing parties and political organizations that had the same desire to carry out a people’s democratic revolution for the people and by the people. A similar type of party, Akel, exists in Cyprus, in the Mediterranean, although Akel began its life as a communist party. We in south Korea also had the experience of building the Democratic Labor Party, comprising almost all progressive political forces within south Korea in 2000, but it was forcibly disbanded after 15 years by the fascist government. The enemies of the working people including working class are most afraid of the progressive forces including the revolutionary forces uniting politically as one.

Fifth, the Bolivarian Revolution has led to the beginning of the construction of the Commune. We are thrilled that Hugo Chávez’s last words were not about the party but about the Commune. With the words, “Commune or Nothing (¡Comuna o Nada!)”, he left a most weighty instruction in the last moments of his life, reminding the people that the most important goal for organizational building,  political building remains the construction of the Commune, which the revolutionaries and activists must keep their in mind for life – no, for forever. We revolutionaries and activists from south Korea also sincerely regard this as our most crucial aim. During the earlier stages of the Korean revolution, after our liberation from Japanese imperialism in WW2, our people began to build a regime, which took root among the people, along the lines of the Commune. In the south, this was destroyed when the US forces entered as an army of occupation. In the north, on the other hand, it won success after success, and has been continuously developed since that time.

The value of any life can be seen from the shine of its achievements. There can be no doubt that the life and contribution of Hugo Chávez will continue to shine forth in the history of his homeland, of Latin America, of the working people and of humanity.


차베스의 빛나는 업적

21세기 오늘에도 빛나는 베네수엘라 차베스사령관의 탁월한 업적을 5가지로 집약하면 다음과 같다. 

첫째, 베네수엘라에 맞는 혁명방법을 찾아내고 성공시켰다. 칠레 아옌데정권의 붕괴를 통해 잘 알수 있듯이, 온전히 선거로만 이뤄진 혁명은 없다. 무장투쟁과 민중항쟁의 모델만이 있을 뿐이다. 우리는 쿠바와 니카라과, 알제리의 사례에 이어 베네수엘라의 모델을 알게됐다. 차베스사령관은 군대내에서 1만을 교육조직한후 봉기하고 비록 실패했으나 이후 이를 통해 얻은 민심을 동원해 선거로 집권했다. 참고로 남코리아는 미군이 철저히 군을 장악하고있는데 이른바 <좌익쿠데타>를 막기 위해 군지휘관들을 자주 교체하고 일찍 퇴직시킨다. 

둘째, 볼리바리안혁명이다. 시몬볼리바르의 정신과 업적을 계승하고 현대적으로 혁신하는것은 탁월한 발상이다. 이를 통해 단숨에 라틴을 하나로 묶을수 있었고 혁명적군대와 근로민중만이 아니라 중간세력들까지 포괄할수 있었다. 라틴에서의 혁명적성취중 하나로 알바가 지금 현재까지도 각광받는 이유가 여기에 있다. 알바는 베네수엘라가 극악한 경제봉쇄로 최대의 시련을 겪을때도 계속 빛을 발했다. 남코리아의 민중민주당은 서태평양상의 나라들이 하나의 경제및평화공동체를 형성할데 대한 정책을 강조하고있다. 

셋째, 민중을 위한, 민중에 의한 각종 미션들이다. 혁명적집권세력들의 민중민주개혁조치의 본질들을 누구나 알기 쉽게 계획하고 추진하며 표현했다. 민중을 위한 정책이고 민중에 의한 정책이다. 민중의 자주적요구를 수렴해 당과 정부의 정책으로 만들고 민중의 창조적능력을 발휘해 그정책을 관철하는데서 세기를 넘어 빛나는 모범을 창조했다. 특히 저유가와 경제봉쇄로 최악인 상황에서도 차베스를 계승한 마두르는 2022년4월 약400만호건설이라는 주거복지정책, 미션비비엔다를 성공하는데서 특기할 성과를 거뒀다. 우리는 라틴의 전설적인 건축가, 프루토비바스를 남코리아서울에 초청해 졍프항스와의 함께 건축전시회를 개최하면서, 이 베네수엘라를 수차례 방문하면서 그 성과를 직접 확인했다. 남코리아의 민중민주당이 <민중의것을 민중에게로!>, <환수복지로 시작해 민중복지로 나아가자!>는 구호를 내세우는 이유도 다르지않다.  

넷째, 통일전선적당건설이다. 우리는 차베스가 민중을 위한, 민중에 의한 민중민주혁명을 수행하는데서 같은 지향을 가진 당과 정치조직을 과감히 포섭하며 통일전선적인 당을 건설했다는데 주목한다. 이는 지중해의 키프러스의 아켈이라는 통일전선적당이 공산당으로부터 출발한것과 다소 다르지만 본질적으로 같은 방식이라고 평가한다. 참고로 남코리아도 2000년에 남코리아내 진보정치세력을 거의 모두 포괄하며 민주노동당을 만들었으나 이후 파쇼적인정권이 들어서서 약 15년만에 강제해산시킨 경험이 있다. 노동계급을 비롯한 근로민중의 적들은 혁명세력을 비롯한 진보세력들이 정치적으로, 하나로 단결하는것을 가장 두려워한다. 

다섯째, 꼬무나건설이다. 우리는 차베스의 유언이 당이 아니라 코무나라는데 전율한다. 모두가 알다시피, 차베스는 <코무나 아니면 무>라는 유언으로 베네수엘라의 혁명가들과 활동가들이 평생, 아니 영원히 유념해야할 가장 중요한 조직건설목표, 정치건설목표가 바로 이 꼬무나라는것을 차베스는 가장 무겁게, 생의 마지막순간에 남겼다. 우리 남코리아혁명가들, 활동가들도 이 유언을 진정으로 가장 무겁게 여긴다. 전체코리아혁명에서는 해방직후 북과 남에 각각 이와 유사한, 민중속에 뿌리내린 정권건설의 역사가 있었으나, 남에서는 미군이 점령군으로 들어와 파괴됐고 북에서는 성공해 계속 발전했다. 

삶의 가치는 업적으로 빛난다. 차베스의 삶과 업적은 조국과 라틴의 역사속에, 민중과 인류의 역사속에 길이 빛날것이다.