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Milan Krajča, Vice-President of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia(Czech Republic)


Dear Comrades and Friends!

First of all I would like express thanks to the organizers, namely to the People´s Democracy Party of South Korey, and greetings to ale participants of this conference on behalf of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia from the Czech Republic. It is an honour and pleasure to salute brave revolutionaries and antiimperialists of South Korea who have been struggling courageously for decades against imperialist ocupations, interfrences, interventions and provocations in the region, for the reunification and indpendence of their country.

Mentioning the  remarkable history of resistance of Korean people to the imperialism I have to to underline the imperialist aggression against Korea and its people seventy years ago, which is among the most brutal recorded in history. The US dropped more bombs in this conflict than during their entire Pacific campaign during WWII. Many cities, villages, factories and infrastructure completely razed. The massive use of napalm and biological weapons in Korean Peninsula has left repercussions that are still felt today. This historical framework is essential to understand the current situation of the Korean Peninsula, its division, the permanence of a large number of US military forces, the aspiration for a united and peaceful Korea – only possible without external interference, without pressure and blackmail. The withdrawal of US troops is the first and decisive step towards making it possible to move forward the peaceful reunification of Korea. It is what best serves peace and security in the region and to contribute to the worldwide struggle against imperialism.

But the fight against imperialm is a priority for all real revolutionaries around the world. Speaking about struggle against imperialism in our region of Central and Eastern Europe its important to underline that is today related mainly to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Aware of the serious dangers that the escalation of war by imperialism entails for the world, our party particularly condemns the instigation of confrontation and conflict in Ukraine, fights for peace and defends a process of dialogue with a view to a political solution of the conflict, a response to the problems of collective security and disarmament in Europe, in compliance with the principles of the international law, the UN Charter and the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Our party also condemns the explicit engagement of the Czech Republic´s goverment in the escalation of confrontation, in a clear manifestation of submission to the interests of imperialism, and considers that the Czech Republic must dissociate itself from the aggressive policy of the US, NATO and the EU, and contribute within the scope of its external relations for the peaceful solution of international conflicts.

Since February last year our party has been reminding that the war in Ukraine did not start in with Russia’s military intervention, but that it had lasted for eight years, since the coup d’état in 2014, causing around 15,000 deaths and massive destruction in the Donbass region. Reality is showing that, being presented as a war between Russia and Ukraine, this is, in fact, a conflict between NATO against Russia, within the framework of the strategy of hegemonic dominance of US imperialism, in which Ukraine and the power placed there are used as an instrument of this dangerous warmongering action. That is why we denounce the hypocrisy of those who, using Ukraine and at the expense of the Ukrainian people, have long promoted confrontation and conflict in Europe,  who are now trying to hide their great responsibility for the outbreak and worsening of this war and who, under the pretext of a war that they provoked and continue to instigate, have been sending more and more sophisticated war material, doing everything to boycott the efforts for a political solution, showing that they have no intention of paving the way for peace.

We support all the initiatives leading to the peaceful solution of the Ukrainian conflict. This is also why we strongly protest against the pro-imperialist and pro-war policy of the contemporary Czech goverment and new elected president. We opose vehemently the sending of massive weapons supplies by Czech authorities to Kiev regime. We condemn military training of thousand of Ukrainian soldiers on the teritory of our country. We protest against the currently enforced changes to the laws regarding the mobilization and military deployment of Czech citizens. We mobilize these days people mainly against the new so-called defence treaty between our country and the US which would led to the permanent US military presence in the Czech Republic. This treaty was already approved by Czech goverment but we continue our struggle inspired by successfull popular restistance we iniciated againts the that time attempt to estabilish pernament US military base in our country several years ago. During this campaign we always underline one of our principal goals that is the end of the Czech Republic’s membership in NATO, the largest military organization in the world and the imperialism’s key military instrument.

In the current situation, in which the aspiration for peace is unequivocally expressed throughout the world, the resistance and struggle of countries and peoples in defence of their sovereignty and rights, including the right to development, for the construction of a new international order is of the utmost importance. The march towards better world is an indivisible march. The struggle against imperialism cannot be waged in isolation. It is a common struggle. It is the duty of the world revolutionary movement to approach that task with acknowledging that is a part of our general fight for the future of humanity based on peace, solidarity, social progress and socialism.

Finally, Comrades and Friends, I would like to one again express our thanks to the organizers of this conference for the posibility to debate internationaly todays dramatic situation as well as our positions in the common struggle against the imperialism.

Long live the international solidarity!

Long live the antiimperialist struggle!