Lee Jeok – World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle in Gwangju

Lee Jeok, the permanent representatives of peace treaty movement

Arise, People!
Our nation is getting into a desperately dangerous situation.
The US imperialism has turned half of the country into a US military base and took control of the collaborator regime.
For 78 years, it has been ruling this territory by proxy behind the veil as a neo-colony and using it as a base for its military hegemony.
In addition, even though Korea had suffered from the Japanese occupation for 36 years, the US imperialists, through the triangular alliance of south Korea, Japan, USA, have been trying to land the Japanese imperialist troops in this land and make frantic efforts to wipe out the legitimate government of the DPRK.
The U.S. considers the North Korean regime an axis of evil, claiming that it is a legitimate government only if it falls within the confines of its alliance.
It constantly demands denuclearization, saying that its nuclear strategic assets are legitimate and North Korea’s nuclear strategic assets are evil.
North Korea’s nuclear program serves as a sword to protect our nation.
The DPRK’s Nuclear must be protected to the end.
So far, it is the USA that has committed an act of aggression, on the contrary, our Korean people, the DPRK, has never invaded other countries. Therefore, the DPRK’s nuclear weapons are a defensive measure to defend itself against the US aggression. We never support the denuclearization of the DPRK. Moreover, it is our duty and mission to become a self-sufficient country and defend our nation against the U.S. and all aggressors.
The south Korean collaborator regime is parasitic on the USA and is driving the people to slavery through the USA-south Korea alliance, literally a slave contract.
The task of this era is to remove the parasitic regime and drive the US troops out of this country.
Therefore, dear compatriots!
Let us expel the US military from this land to establish a fully sovereign and powerful state on this land and regain our one motherland!
Let all the Korean peoples rise up and liberate this country through national resistance!