33 years of the foundation of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) and the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) held a forum and a ceremonial academy on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the founding of our Party. On that occasion, in addition to members and sympathizers, our guest was the ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Serbia, Comrade Dimas Jesus Alvarenga Gera.

Also, The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) repeated our Anti-imperialist orientation and joined the international action of anti-imperialist solidarity initiated by the International Anti-Imperialist Platform.

With our banner with the well-known message to the NATO imperialists – “STOP US MEDDLING IN OTHER COUNTRIES’ INTERNAL AFFAIRS!”, we not only repeated our anti-NATO position that we have been expressing for years, but we also said that it is clear to us who is responsible for the globally dangerous security situation. What NATO achieved with its aggression against Yugoslavia, continued with its further destructive expansion and pressures, both military and political, and brought the world to the brink of a new world war.

During the forum, the attendees had the opportunity to recall the history of the NKPJ from its foundation to the present day. Special attention was paid to our founder and first General Secretary, Branko Kitanović. In the conditions of the strengthening of anti-communist hysteria and the destruction of our country, he managed to gather delegates from all over Yugoslavia who wanted to renew the work of the old Communist Party of Yugoslavia and continue the struggle in a Marxist-Leninist spirit. The NKPJ, and since 1992 the SKOJ, continue to consistently follow that line to the present day.

After the opening speech, the General Secretary of the NKPJ, Comrade Aleksandar Banjanac, and the First Secretary of the SKOJ, Comrade Miloš Karavezić, focused their speeches on the main problems faced by workers in Serbia and Montenegro, as well as on the current activities of the NKPJ and the SKOJ. Special attention was paid to the support that was given by the communist parties and the youth organizations to the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, where they condemned the occupation of our southern province by NATO, and also to the CENA camp scheduled for the end of July.

The speakers and panel participants, most of whom were younger comrades, agreed that there is no perspective under capitalism and that only the working class, led by the Communist Party and the youth, can fight for a just society without the exploitation of man by man. History clearly shows us that the only way out for all of humanity is the struggle for a socialist alternative and a communist future.