On the Greek revolutionary history, we focus on the life and struggle of Nikos Zachariadis. It is because when Nikita Khrushchev proposed the modern revisionist line at the 20th congress of the communist party of Soviet Union in February 1956, he is one of the representative 4 leaders who were revolutionary opposing the modern revisionist Khrushchev’s line. At that time, they were Nikos Zachariadis, the General Secretary of the communist party of Greece (KKE), Enver Hoxha, the General Secretary of the party of labour of Albania (PLA), Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the communist party of China (CPC), and Kim Il Sung, the General Secretary of the worker’s party of Korea (WPK).
Following the Khrushchev’s direction, the KKE expelled the large number of the resolute communists including Zachariadis. Since then, the revisionist and opportunist line of the leadership of the KKE has been adhered, supporting the “perestroika (restructuring)” and “glasnost (openness)” policy of Mikhail Gorbachev.
The determined communists including Zachariadis, even leaving Greece and staying foreign land, had kept holding fast the revolutionary principle and struggling against the revisionist line until the end of their lives.
The life and struggle of Zachariadis are very instructive also in the light of the realities of the Greece revolutionary movement today. The historical root of the problems of revisionism, opportunism and sectarianism of the present leadership of the KKE cannot be found elsewhere. In the history of revolutions of the humanity, there are more than one or two examples that some once took the revisionist line and stayed on it until the end. So the problem in ideology is deep-seated and stubborn.
By the Kautskyist and Trotskyist tendencies of the KKE leadership, the ridiculous sophistry “imperialist pyramid theory”, the unilateral dissolution of European Initiative in the recent past and the division and disempowerment of SolidNet, the consequences are very serious.
The importance of the KKE leadership correcting its historical errors and, away from the wrong line of revisionism, opportunism and sectarianism, holding the revolutionary principles and returning to the correct line of communism and as soon as possible cannot be overemphasized.
The current situation is very dangerous where World War 3 is about to being in full swing. As of the end of 2023, the probabilities of escalation of war in Eastern Europe and of outbreak of war in East Asia are increasingly rising. A new war has begun in the Middle East (West Asia). The mood of war is spreading from Ukraine in Eastern Europe to Palestine in Middle East, and then to Taiwan and South Korea in East Asia.
In February 2022, Russia launched an anti-imperialist and anti-fascist war, liberation and preventive war against the provocations of NATO imperialism, and the flames of this war are fueling the struggle for justice of anti-imperialist forces around the world.
The struggle for free and liberation of Palestine from the river to sea is at a turning point today. Anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian forces are united unprecedentedly in the Middle East, and Israel is deeply divided. Above all, US imperialism and European imperialism are seriously exhausted national power by the war in Ukraine.
If the war in East Asia outbreaks, the US and European imperialist powers will have to wage armed struggle against the strongest anti-imperialist forces in three battlefields. If you look at the East Asian War as two battles, Taiwan and South Korea, it is four battles: Eastern Europe and the Middle East, Taiwan and South Korea.
It should be noted that Russia, China, and North Korea are powerful nuclear and missile powers. The strategic cooperation between these three countries is getting stronger and stronger, as confirmed by the North Korea-Russia summit in September and the China-Russia summit in October.
Against the provocations of US imperialism, China and North Korea are increasingly affirming the position that an anti-imperialist war, national liberation war, and national reunification war are inevitable.
As we know, in Eastern Europe, as part of the anti-Russian maneuvers, based on the “Grand Chessboard” strategy and the “color revolution” trend, there were massacres of ethnic Russians in Odessa and Donbass after the Maidan coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, and the Ukrainian fascist authority tried to join NATO in 2021.
In East Asia, under the imperialist provocations to disrupt China by separating Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia, Taiwan’s secessionist maneuvers have already crossed the dangerous line, such as the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August last year and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing Wen’s visit to the US in April this year.
The U.S.-backed Yoon Suk Yeol, who came to power in May last year, has turned South Korea into a darkness with fascist repression as much as Poroshenko and Zelensky, and the Korean Peninsula into the brick of war with anti-national belligerence policies.
The current situation in Taiwan and South Korea is the most precarious to the extent that it is no surprise if the war breaks out there tomorrow. If either the war in Taiwan or the war in South Korea breaks out, the other will automatically follow.
All these military tensions and war crises are obviously caused by the US imperialist policy of disintegrating China and of crushing North Korea. China and North Korea, which have been struggling to uphold the principles of socialism after the counter-revolution that swept the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc in the early 1990s, are in a historic period when they have no choice but to make decisive counterattacks against the persistent and vicious provocations of the imperialist forces.
One of the anti-China war signals of imperialists is the “New Washington Consensus and de-risking.” In April, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan declared the New Washington Consensus at an event of the Brookings Institution, emphasizing that it is not decoupling but de-risking.
On the surface, it seems that the Biden administration is pushing for partial “de-risking” rather than full decoupling claimed by the Trump administration, but this is a fiction, a distorted reflection of the essence. The truth is “New Cold War”, a full-scale provocation of World War 3 by the imperialist powers, and through this, they are forming a new front to demonize Russia, China and North Korea and to deflect their own political and economic crisis.
In other words, announcement of the “New Washington Consensus” is a deception by the imperialist forces, which are provoking wars in East Asia, particularly Taiwan and South Korea, following the war in Ukraine, to shift responsibility of war on China.
In fact, during the Trump administration, there was no war in Ukraine, no provocation of Taiwan’s secession, and Trump had three summits with North Korean chairman Kim Jong Un. It is as if Biden is trying to shake hands with Xi Jinping by extending his right hand in “de-risking” gesture, but he is hiding the sword of Taiwanese separation in his left hand.
While pushing for “Peaceful Rise”, China, which is aware of the U.S.’s two-faced tactics, makes no secret of the fact that it strongly promotes unification with Taiwan and territorial integrity through its force in response to provocations, calling it a “core of core interests.”
We must not fall prey to the imperialist deception but we must consolidate the anti-imperialist front and organize the anti-imperialist struggle over the world more vigorously in preparation for the imminent world war.
The World Anti-Imperialist Platform (the Platform) launched in this great historical transition period, holding high the banner of anti-imperialism in Paris, France in October, 2022.
The Platform consistently has adhered to the three main goals which are world anti-imperialist struggles against imperialist, ideological battle against revisionism, opportunism, and sectarianism and strengthening international communist capacity since the establishment so far.
The Platform held international conference with communist parties and anti-imperialist political organizations around the world, organized anti-imperialist mass rallies and demonstrations in Belgrade, Serbia where a neighbor of Ukraine in Eastern Europe and a weak link of NATO in December, 2022 in Caracas, Venezuela and the epicenter of the Bolivarian Revolution, on the 10th memorial anniversary of Hugo Chavez’s death in March, 2023 and in Gwangju, the site of the 1980 anti-fascist armed struggle in South Korea, on the occasion of the third party congress of the PDP in May, 2023.
In addition, we launched the “Platform News” website to strengthen our daily solidarity activities, propaganda and practice, and published “the Platform” organ.
In the coming year, the Platform will continue to actively engage in solidarity activities and joint struggles, especially with the people of the Third World countries who suffer from imperialism’s direct and constant economic exploitation, political repression, and war manipulation.
Against the barbaric repression of imperialism and the fascist forces, in the face of the slander and divisive efforts of the international sectarian opportunist forces, and in order to achieve the three goals of the Platform, the Platform has not taken a single step back or faltered, and has always bravely faced and overcome trials and difficulties.
We will continue to move forward with our indomitable struggle, chanting the slogans “Proletarians of the world, unite” and “People united will never defeated” from the ranks of the struggle.
Like World War II formed the world anti-fascist front, defeated the fascist forces, dealt a major blow to the imperialist powers, and achieved a great high tide for the communist and anti-imperialist movements, World War III will form the world anti-imperialist front, deal a decisive blow to the imperialist powers, and achieve a new great upsurge for the communist and anti-imperialist movements.
We are convinced that this historical path will be the path of fear and defeat for the imperialist powers and their puppet, fascist and opportunist forces, and be the path of hope and victory for the anti-imperialist forces, working class and working people.