Contribution of New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia)

Aleksandar Ðenic | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia)

Dear comrades,  

First, I would like to salute you on behalf of the Central Committee of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. We especially want to send greetings to our fraternal organization from the Party of Communist USA. Also, we would like to thank the efforts of comrades from the People’s Democracy Party for a significant ideological and practical job in the World Anti-imperialist Platform. Also, thank you to the PDP and trade unions in South Korea that support Serbian workers in the South Korean company Jura. This company provided many apparent examples of violations of working rights, the most extreme of which was when workers needed workwear diapers during their working hours and didn’t have the right to go to the toilet.   

Unfortunately, we could not participate in this most important conference this year, because it was impossible for our members. The US embassy in Serbia wanted to avoid giving us a visa. The reason was pure anti-communism. 

Also, we would like to inform you that comrade Aleksandar Đeni큓, the Executive Secretary of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ), made great results in the local elections on June 2. He was elected and secured one mandate in the Assembly of the Municipality of Zemun. Zemun, the third largest municipality in Belgrade with a population of 200,000, played a pivotal role in the historic success of the NKPJ. For the first time, the Party will have a member in the local parliament of the City of Belgrade and the first in Serbia since 1996. Comrade Đeni큓’s election also marks the return of a communist member to the parliament in Zemun after a 34-year break since the end of the Socialist Republic of Serbia. 

Dear comrades, 

This historical event is significant for the Anti-imperialist struggle. We must send a powerful antiimperialist message at the exact moment when the United States will host a NATO Summit in Washington DC on 9-10-11 July 2024. The NATO Secretary General will chair the meetings. 

We are a country from the Balkan Peninsula. The Balkan region is of great strategic importance. The Balkan is attracting the imperialist powers like a magnet and making our area an essential arena for manifesting NATO strategic goals. NATO occupied our Peninsula. Practice showed that NATO is the most significant security risk in the World, and the people of Serbia felt that on their skin during the bombing in 1999. 

The Serbs directly opposed the interests of Western imperialism and NATO and no doubt suffered significant damage and were victims of it. Starting with the fact that the most crucial number of displaced persons from their homes in the territory of Yugoslavia were among the Serbian people, that NATO bombed us with weapons prohibited by international conventions and thus committed a severe war crime for which no one has been accused and convicted yet, with depleted uranium, from which tens of thousands of people die every year in Serbia. 

Undoubtedly, however, all the peoples of the former Yugoslavia, without any exception, have been and are victims of Western imperialism and the violent dismantling of Yugoslavia. Political and economic dependence and conditioning are crystal clear everywhere in former Yugoslavia. We have become easy prey for sharks that have entered our waters. 

The necessary and urgent duty for the people is to reject and oppose the “divide and conquer” policy, which aims at the emergence of new and weak states, in fact, protectorates, as is the case in the face of the situation emerging in Kosovo. Today, the imperialist plans and rivalry may again cause bloodshed in the region. The policy promoted by the imperialist powers aims not only to intensify foreign interventions but also to establish governments that are servile to the imperialist dictates of regimes that will further deepen the capitalist exploitation and bind their countries to the imperialist organizations of NATO and EU. 

Today, imperialist Western plans may cause bloodshed in the region again. The policy promoted by the Western imperialist powers aims not only to intensify foreign interventions but also to establish governments servile to the imperialist dictates of regimes that will further deepen the capitalist exploitation and bind their countries to the imperialist organizations of NATO and EU. 

For a long time, and with clear political intentions, the international public has been presented with an untruthful, distorted picture of what happened in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Everything has been presented crookedly to protect those genuinely responsible and draw the wrong conclusions about what happened and the background of the war against Yugoslavia. 

There is a fundamental historical fact that one should proceed from when seeking to understand what happened and which led to everything that happened in the territory of Yugoslavia from 1991 until the present day, and that is the violent destruction of a European state, Yugoslavia, which was derived from the statehood of Serbia. There is no doubt that this fundamental historical fact will leave an imprint on European history in the times to come. A multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-confessional state was destroyed, a condition that had its historical and international legal legitimacy. 

Since June 9, 1999, and the signing of the “Kuman Agreement,” the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija has been under the occupation of the striking military fist of Western imperialism, NATO, and the Serbs living in that area have since become second-class citizens.  The NKPJ demands that the puppet pro-imperialist government in Kosovo immediately stop the pressure on the Serbian people living in that territory and provide all refugees the opportunity to return to their homes. 

The Serbian and Albanian people in Kosovo and Metohija should live in peace and togetherness and follow the tradition of fraternal relations between Albanians and Serbs who fought side by side against the Nazi-fascist occupier in the Second World War. 

We also strongly condemn the new military exercise between the Serbian Army and NATO, which took place from 10 June to 21 June along the administrative line between Serbia and the southern province of Kosovo and Metohija. 

Russia and China support Serbian sovereignty in the United Nations Security Council, and Serbia depends on Russian energy. The Serbian government does not want to bring sanctions on Russia. This is because the EU, US, and NATO put much pressure on Serbia. One of the last pressures for the Serbia government was in the United Nations when Western imperialists decided to bring a Resolution on the Srebrenica Demonization of The Serbian People with a simple majority. The fact that on the occasion of adopting such a decision, more countries were against its adoption or abstained than those that voted for it clearly shows that many countries in the world reject the hypocrisy of Western countries. By pushing for this resolution, Western imperialism tends to quarrel the fraternal Yugoslav peoples further, in this case, Bosniak and Serbian, incite them against each other, create instability, and encourage national-chauvinism to be able to justify the continued presence of NATO in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 

The fact is that objectively speaking, there was no genocide in Srebrenica and that Western imperialism practices double standards to try, ineptly and unsuccessfully, to justify its criminal role in all the massacres on the territory of SFR Yugoslavia, including the one committed in that city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nevertheless, the intrigues of the imperialist power centers in Washington, London, Berlin, and Brussels and their objective guilt for the bloodshed in our region cannot in any way be an excuse for the monstrous crime in Srebrenica. Those who committed it are bastards and a shame for the Serbian people, and the only thing they deserve is the most profound contempt and disgust. 

The vote in the General Assembly of the United Nations clearly shows that Serbia’s real friends are socialist countries like China, Cuba, and the DPR of Korea, as well as anti-imperialist countries like Belarus, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Syria. On the other hand, it was clear that the Western imperialist countries were not Serbia’s friends, no matter how much the bourgeois government was assuring us otherwise. Also, Iran supported Western imperialist resolution, but we are not surprised because Iran volunteers during the civil war in Bosnia fought together with separatists against Yugoslavia and Serbs. 

Dear comrades, 

We are so sad because we are not with you. We realize that we live in a contradictory world and must recognize dialectical moments. We will continue to fight together with you. We need to gather all progressive forces in the world and continue to fight against imperialism. Long live the anti-imperialist struggle!