Imperialism and Its Armed Wing, NATO Will Be Defeated!

Black Alliance for Peace

Across seven continents and seven seas, the US-EU-NATO criminals, this capitalist and imperialist system has ripped open the veins of the world, hemorrhaging millions of lives and destroying the planet with staggering consequences to climate disasters that disproportionately impact the global south, bringing humanity closer to the brink of extinction. The waters from the Nile to the Congo Basin run red with blood as imperialist wars slaughter our siblings from Sudan to Congo, from Somalia to Haiti.

As fascism spreads across the global ruling class and rears its head on the continent of Africa and across the working peoples of the African diaspora, the Black Alliance for Peace recognized this era as a series of pivotal and urgent opportunities to build up progressive forces and revolutionary consciousness among the masses in order to rise up in mobilization and organization here and abroad to smash this existential threat.


As structural extensions of The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP), the US Out of Africa Network (USOAN) and Africa Team seek to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical Black movement as this applies to Africa. Through educational activities, organizing and movement support, organizations and individuals in BAP work to oppose both militarized domestic state repression and the policies of de-stabilization, subversion and the permanent war agenda of the US state globally.

Guided by our unifying principles and our mission to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical Black movement, the BAP USOAN / Africa Team organizes an annual International Month of Action Against AFRICOM to raise the public’s awareness about the violent instability caused by U.S. military’s presence in Africa and to build the formidable popular movement needed to shut down AFRICOM and get the U.S. out of Africa. BAP developed the USOAN as the organizational arm of our U.S Out of Africa, Shutdown AFRICOM campaign. The USOAN is designed to forge mass popular opposition to the destructive US hybrid war and imperialist policies perpetrated by AFRICOM. BAP’s resolute anti-colonial, anti-imperialist positions link the relentless, war mongering role of US imperialism globally to the domestic war it wages against poor and working class Black people within its borders. 

We must understand the world’s wars did not start with a singular event but with a multitude of triggers that have sharpened the contradictions. Every decision made by the imperialist rulers of  the United States and their junior partners in Western Europe leads the African masses toward two options, to enlist themselves as cannon fodder for empire, genocide, famine, climate disaster, or the moral path of resistance through revolutionary anti-imperialist movement and party building. The only progress for our people as outlined by our principles of unity, rests in the rising consciousness of the masses needed for mass revolutionary organization. There is no question that as conditions intensify and consciousness rises, that the only path left is towards revolution or the annihilation of the human race and the planet.

We conclude this message with a sharp belief and faith in the organized masses of the people, as everything depends on us. While we are living in a time of monsters, this also presents us with the opportunity to join together and fight back because we have a world to win! 

No compromise! No retreat!