Contribution of Resist US-Led War Movement

Resist US-Led War Movement

We gather here today looking upon the lawn of the nation’s most prestigious building, a building housing many of our glorious leaders going back to the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ulysses S. Grant, and even men such as Thomas Jefferson. These men enshrined freedom into our hearts and minds, and they saw to it that our beautiful nation should remain untouched by the foreign enemies to our North, East, South, and West. We manifested our destiny and created a land of liberty, where all can theoretically pursue happiness to the utmost of their respective abilities. Seeing this wonderful White House be desecrated by the geriatric men who taint our nation’s history with the blood of innocent children makes me more sorrowful than any. I hoped to see a country that our forefathers built that was a country of defense, not a country of war. We have expanded enough. We have expanded all the way to the Western seaboard, conquered the strongest enemies of our nation, and have made peaceful and mutually beneficial relationships with our direct neighbors.

This NATO summit being held in our most sacred city is the largest existential threat to the continental United States since the dawn of the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930s.This organization was built to defend our brothers in Europe from the so-called Communist threat, but since then it has become very apparent that this “organization” seeks only to support the expansionist tendencies of America while simultaneously robbing us of our military resources so that they can uphold whatever social-democrat policies in their countries while our homeless starve on the streets. Our American citizens should be the first and foremost in the minds of our politicians, yet we seem to care more about the fascists in Ukraine than our hardest working men and women living paycheck to paycheck. The taxes that come out of all of our wallets are taxes that our founding fathers fought to remain as just as possible, but we are witnessing our pocket change getting lifted as the politicians continue to line theirs with money from the AIPAC bribes. They lie to us all the time, telling us that Russia and China are the enemy, that the Palestinian resistance movement is a movement of terrorists.. How can these men and women be terrorists, when they are following the exact same method of resistance as the bravest Yankees fighting against the British back in the 18th century. If you are an American against these peoples’ national liberation, you my friend would have been a staunch Loyalist during our Patriotic Revolution.

We say that NATO is an existential threat, because we know that NATO is a warmongering organization of former and current Nazis who just seek to defend every inch of their land from the slightest aggressive action, while simultaneously performing both overt and subtle regime changes in any government that opposes the neoliberal status-quo. We here at the World Anti- Imperialist Platform do not support the neo-liberal line being pushed by the elite who attempt to hold onto as much power as they think they can get away with. As a patriotic American, I want my country’s military to be spent defending my homeland, not the homeland of a bunch of queer Europeans. I personally am a man against nuclear war at all costs, and if the Russians want Ukraine.. LET THEM HAVE IT. The American position should be one of non-involvement, not one of absolute involvement in every foreign affair that we deem to be slightly beneficial to our overall Imperialist cause. The American system should function as it did in the 18th through 20th

century, where we prospered as a nation that dealt with nations diplomatically, with our policy of speaking softly but carrying a big stick.

But our government has done nothing of the sort recently, and in fact our diplomatic policy has been more akin to swinging our big stick around in the faces of countries who want nothing to do with it. We need to get the hell out of Korea, we need to get the hell out of Japan, we need to get the hell out of Ukraine, and we need to get the hell out of every place in the world where we send our troops to occupy. How can we possibly justify our occupation of these countries, when it is against both the well-being of Americans as well as the well-being of the global citizens. We are not Great Britain, we are principled individuals who value our American tradition above all else. We are Americans, we are not Europeans. We should be defending our soil with blood, sweat, and tears.. And God Bless any poor soul who dares attempt to poke the bear, because hell will be brought to their doorstep, just as hell was brought to the doorstep of Nazi Germany. NATO is bringing us ever closer to the brink, and I will not stand, and I hope none of you will stand for this absolutely horrid atrocity that is the NATO-backed war in Ukraine.

Ukraine is killing innocent civilians, and has been killing innocent civilians since 2014 when they launched their aggressive war on the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass. These Ukrainian government terrorists have somehow persuaded the United States to support their endeavors against the Russian Federation’s supporting SMO, and have done so well that they’ve accrued over 175 billion in STOLEN dollars. That’s right, 175 BILLION dollars that came right out of all of our paychecks and straight into the war machine that is the Ukrainian Nazi Army. This money could have gone to roads, schools, buildings, high-speed rail, and yet the NATO warmongers continue to pressure the US to support them. This is wrong, and we should have our national right to say NO to this horrible highway robbery that is taking place in this building right behind us.

This NATO summit which is occurring as we speak, is a summit of criminals funding criminals to support the criminals who are criminalizing the innocent people of the world. As a proud American, I do not support crime, and I think it is CRIMINAL to support the crimes of the apartheid state of Israel, which oppresses the people of Palestine every single day. And every day the situation gets more and more dire, so we as a people need to stand up to this horrid situation and end the NATO alliance.

Say NO to NATO!
Disband the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization! Death to the secular Zionist state!