Contribution of Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist

Dear comrades,

We gathered here, right under the nose of the ogre! NATO, the war organisation of imperialism, is holding a meeting right next to us to plan the new stage of the 3rd World War. We salute our comrades challenging that war machine and its imperialist masters. 


As you know NATO was established 75 years ago, on April 4, 1949. Its “founding member countries were: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom [Britain] and the United States.”

They said they founded it “to defend the free world against communism”! What was this so-called “free world”? What they called the “free world” was and is nothing but the exploitive and reactionary capitalist world. 

At that time, this “free world” had colonised at least half of the world’s landmass and more than half of the world’s population. They have occupied and colonised the whole African continent, most of Latin America, Indochina, Indonesia, Australia, the Middle East, the South China Sea, the Philippines, South Asia etc. In brief, they plundered and pillaged “their” colonies, i.e. at least half of the world. 

However, at the end of World War II the imperialist powers, especially US imperialism, faced a major challenge because socialism had become a world system. Following successful popular revolutions, China, Korea, Vietnam and Eastern Europe, liberated from fascism by the Red Army, turned to socialism. On the other hand, in Western Europe, especially France and Italy, communist parties had led the partisans fighting against Nazi occupation during 2nd World War. That means these parties were very popular among the society. Moreover, in some cases, these communist parties had armed workers’ units. This was especially a problem for the capitalists in Italy and France. A Workers’ revolution was wandering over the heads of both capitalist states.

Furthermore, national liberation movements, revolts and revolutions erupted in India, Indonesia, Africa and the Middle East against colonial powers weakened due to World War II.

Under these circumstances, the imperialist powers moved on and attacked the revolutionary forces. They massacred the communists, unionists, leftists, and even democrats in all countries they occupied at the end of the 2nd World War, especially in Italy, Greece and South Korea. The survivors were arrested.

To protect the imperialist-capitalist system, this notorious “free world”, the powers led by the US founded NATO as a counter-revolution organisation against communism. Gladio-like organisations were created. The Communist Party in Italy (PCI), the third biggest party in the country, was oppressed and criminalised. In Greece, the NATO-led powers organised a military fascist coup (“colonels coup”) in 1967. The military-fascist dictatorship was in power until 1974. In Turkey, the army took power via a military fascist coup twice, in 1971 and 1980. Military-fascist dictatorship ruled the country for decades. In Portugal, during the “carnation revolution” that overthrew the fascist Salazar regime (1974-75), NATO warships anchored the harbour in the capital Lisbon to prevent the Portuguese working class from attempting to overthrow capitalism.

Not only in European countries, the US-led forces acted around the world. They occupied the countries; started bloody wars; destroyed forests, lakes, rivers; killed millions of people etc. After this point, the history of the capitalist world is the history of fascist coups, kidnaps, political murderers, tortures, massacres and so on.

At the beginning of the 90’s, when the socialist camp dissolved, they dreamed of endless heaven! They declared the “end of the history”! They hoped it, they wished that. They thought there was no obstacle from now on after all. However, in a decade, they realised they were wrong. Since the middle of the ’90s, from Europe to Australia, from Canada to Japan, from Africa to Latin America, there were huge protests, demonstrations, strikes, barricades on the streets and so on. All NATO summits, IMF meetings, Davos-like economy forums etc. caused protests. Workers, farmers, labourers, youth and women were in the streets chanting “Another world is possible”. The old world faced huge demonstrations and marches. Seattle, Canberra, Ottawa, London, Rome… The “masters of the world” had to organise their meeting on top of the mountains behind barbed wire.

That’s not all. The capitalist mode of production had reached a stage which required the complete annexation of the economies of the dependent countries. Any relative autonomy had to be abolished and these economies transformed into simple extensions of a single economic organisation. If any ruling elites of dependent countries resisted this process, the imperialist powers were prepared to overthrow them even through armed conflicts.

On the one hand, there were huge protests, demonstrations, unrest and uprisings against the capitalist mode of production worldwide. On the other hand, the world capitalist economy needed to transform at a new level. Then, the role of NATO was defined again.

At the end of the last century, they described the role of NATO as an “anti-uprising force” because the upcoming century will be an “century of uprising” according to them. 

It was at this point that they decided to launch a global war against the working class, the oppressed and exploited labouring peoples of the world. This was a worldwide civil war.

Of course, it is so hard to determine a precise date for social trends and social processes. However, we would not be mistaken if we say that the beginning of this global civil war―one could also call it the 3rd world war―was the provocation of 11 September 2001. The US ruling class organised the destruction of the Twin Towers. We know the outcome. 

Over the last 25 years, NATO has killed, injured or displaced more than 10 million people in the destruction of Yugoslavia and Libya, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the devastation of Syria.

Dear comrades,

The 3rd world war is not an imperialist war of division in the classical sense. It started as a war against the world peoples, workers and labourers, aiming to suppress the anti-capitalist upheaval, insurgence and revolution. This is its main distinguishing feature. At the same time, it was aimed at the elimination of all forces resisting the process of “complete economic annexation”. And finally, it included the control of the world’s resources and the gaining of an advantage over competitors.

Shortly, this war is a battle between labour and capital, between the world proletariat and the world bourgeoisie, and between socialism and capitalism. This essence of the war is the basis of all conflicts, actions, demonstrations, revolutions and counter-revolutions, and wars in the world. Humanity is experiencing the pains of passing into a new stage in historical evolution.

NATO, which is essentially anti-communist in its founding purpose, stands before us as the main war organisation on which the imperialist states rely in this war.

What is driving the US imperialist ruling class and its servile allies into a war frenzy is that reality is shattering their dream of endless heaven, and is in crisis of capitalist mode of production. Imperialism, above all British and US imperialism, required a destructive war, and they still do.

They need it because the imperialist-capitalist system is in a state of collapse, and a revolutionary situation has emerged in the world. The fact is that the working class and oppressed peoples are in a state of revolt and attack against the bourgeois class in every corner of the world.

The main factor leading to the collapse of the capitalist mode of production is the laws of motion of the capitalist mode of production itself. According to these laws, while capital accumulates in dwindling hands the majority of the world’s population is condemned to the abyss of misery. The material causes of the uprisings and revolts of the working classes are thus prepared by capitalist production itself.

The capitalist mode of production has reached the point where it is unsustainable at the level it has reached. The main reason for this is the enormous accumulation of capital in very few hands of the bourgeois class, while the same enormous accumulation results in misery for the workers on the opposite end of the equation. So much so that the monopoly of accumulated, centralized capital has become an insurmountable obstacle to the capitalist mode of production. The obstacle to capitalist production is the large amount of monopoly capital. 

Therefore, they are in desperation. The main reason for the desperate aggression of the global imperialist finance capital is the need to maintain and sustain the capitalist mode of production. That is why they need a war of destruction that will wipe off the face of the earth everything that belongs to the working class and socialism.

And that’s why the US-NATO provoked the war in Ukraine against Russia. Under the pretext of the Ukraine war is the outbreak of a process of military encirclement of Russia. This process has not started new. Its roots lasted until the year of establishment of NATO, in 1949 and have accelerated since the dissolving of the USSR. 

Moreover, it’s being linked to growing fascism in the imperialist centres. The global capital needs fascist gangs and fascist dictatorships against the proletarian revolutionary wave. And NATO is the most powerful apparatus of this politics. In Libya, Syria and Ukraine fascist forces were directly financed, organised, trained and armed by NATO, and these fascists have taken power in Ukraine.

NATO is the police force of the world bourgeoisie against the working peoples of the world. It is the war organisation of imperialism against communism. The ever-eroding global capitalist class supremacy needs NATO and military bases around the world to continue to hold on to power and suppress the workers and poor peoples.

But they are losing everywhere. Despite the bloody massacres in Palestine and the genocide in Gaza, they have not achieved their goals. They fled Afghanistan. They failed to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria. On the African continent, imperialist colonialist military forces are being expelled step by step. Front lines are collapsing for the Ukrainian army, her units are surrendering. NATO-backed fascist Kiev regime is falling apart. 

The imperialist states are getting hit from all sides. This is the reason why they are trying to turn the war they waged against the world proletariat and working people, against socialism, into a war of mass destruction between states, a total world war. This is the reason why they act with rabid aggression that brings humanity to the brink of a nuclear war.

Dear comrades,

As can be seen, two poles, two different worlds on the earth are at war. The imperialists, the collaborating capitalists and the fascists they feed are on one side; the world working class, the toiling peoples, the oppressed poor masses and revolutionary democratic forces are on the other. This is the war between labour and capital, between the imperialist-capitalist system and socialism. This is a global civil war.

All the wars, conflicts and tensions of today, Ukraine, Palestine, Korea, Taiwan, Syria, Africa, etc. are reflections of this phenomenon.

Dear comrades,

These conditions tell us one thing: The revolutionary situation has emerged worldwide!

The bourgeois class in the global sphere, cannot rule the capitalist society, but fighting against all labourers. They resort to fascist terror and oppression, war and occupation to last power and protect their sovereignty. As we saw in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and African countries, they are organising and arming the fascist gangs, and unleashing them on the masses of the people.

On the other hand, the international proletariat, labourers, oppressed peoples, revolutionary democratic forces, socialist states, and socialist-leaning states of the world are responding to this tendency of the imperialists with revolutionary mass actions, revolutionary wars, uprisings and revolts. While the world bourgeoisie can no longer rule with the old methods, the world working class, labouring masses, oppressed peoples, and poor masses do not want to be ruled as before.

What is the main task, the first goal of the communists under these conditions? In one word: to seize political power! This is the task which must be placed first and foremost.

In the vast majority of imperialist-capitalist countries, the conditions for social revolutions have emerged. This is the basic line of the new phase we are entering.

There are now two opposing forces on the stage of history. On the one side the bourgeois forces and on the other side the world working class, labourers and revolutionary democratic forces… 

Not only the bourgeois forces that unite and consolidate their forces but also the world working class, labourers and revolutionary democratic forces are emerging on the stage of history as a united revolutionary force. Here is the Palestinian revolution! Tens of millions of people are marching in the streets, and dozens of universities are occupied by students! 

Here are the anti-fascist and anti-capitalist protests, riots and uprisings! Workers’ strikes are spreading. Farmers’ protests are expanding. Thousands are chanting slogans against the oppressive laws, demonstrations in solidarity with migrants, protesting the monopoly’s enemy of nature and so on. The world-working men in all countries are moving in a spirit of international solidarity against the capitalist class.

The imperialists, who have brought humanity to the brink of a devastating war, are in reality no longer comfortable and sovereign anywhere. A growing section of the imperialist ruling class has begun to fear losing their privileges and riches. And this fear makes the capitalists more dangerous. 

They are now trying to provoke a total world war that will lead to the destruction of humanity. Today in Ukraine, that’s what they try to do. And tomorrow in Taiwan and Korea it will be the same.

Nevertheless, an all-out inter-state war that could lead to nuclear war is not a fate for humanity. The proletariat, the working, oppressed and exploited peoples of the world are forcing the imperialists to act cautiously with revolutionary mass actions, protests, rebellions, uprisings and attempts at revolution. The internationalist proletariat, the labouring peoples, the military forces of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia and China, and the existence of socialist or socialist-leaning countries such as Cuba, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and Venezuela are obstacles to the imperialists’ desire for destructive war.

The struggle between labour and capital, between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, between socialism and capitalism will determine the outcome. No power will be able to prevent the flow of history towards communism.

Fight Against Imperialism, Capitalism And Fascism!

Break Up NATO!

Now Is The Time For Revolution!