We must strengthen the anti-imperialist front

English / French Dakar Declaration : We must strengthen the anti-imperialist front The revolutionary upsurge demanding independence from imperialism by the peoples of the world is growing intense. The anti-imperialist struggle in the Sahel region of Africa, which reached new heights in 2020, has led...

Big Success of Colloquium ‘Combative Pan-Africanism and the Anti-imperialist Struggle’

On the 27th, International Colloquium of the 7th International Conference on Anti-imperialism hosted by...

The anti-imperialist front, superior in every aspect, will inevitably win

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum Can we win? Will our people...

DECLARATION – Historical Declarations and Statements of the Platform

DECLARATIONDownload Contents Paris Declaration The rising tide of global war and the tasks of anti-imperialists The rising tide of global war and the...

“World Anti-imperialist Front” – Collection of Stephen’s articles about current situation

World-Anti-imperialist-FrontDownload Contents “Beyond war” in South Korea―the characteristic, possibility and prospect of war in South Korea To...

Platform Statement in Dakar : Imperialist Camp’s Aggression Threatens Palestine, Africa, the Oppressed Nations, and the World

The First Anti-imperialist Struggle by the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Africa Dakar Platform Joint Statement:...

Second Day of Anti-imperialist International Conference – Dakar Declaration announced

On Oct 26, the Anti-Imperialist International Conference co-organized by the World Anti-imperialist Platform, DUP...


Platform Statement in Dakar : Imperialist Camp’s Aggression Threatens Palestine, Africa, the Oppressed Nations, and the World

The First Anti-imperialist Struggle by the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Africa Dakar Platform Joint Statement:...

Rally in front of the UN Headquarters in New York “No Nuclear Pollution Water Release! Down Yoon Suk-yeol!”

On July 6th, the People’s Democracy Party and World Anti-imperialist Platform participated in the...

World Anti-imperialist simultaneous struggle in Gwangju, S.Korea

On May 18, the World Anti-imperialist Platform (the Platform), People’s Democracy Party (PDP), and...

April World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggle at 7 cities in South Korea

From April 12 to 17, the World Anti-imperialist Joint Struggles were carried out at...

Hope Bird’s last performance and Anti-imperialist demonstration at Sorbonne université, Paris

On April 14, an artistic and musical troupe to sing for the reunification of...

Hope Bird performance and Anti-imperialist demonstration at Place de la République, Paris

On April 13, Hope Bird, an artistic and musical troupe to sing for the...

Hope Bird began to perform in France, first at Marseille

On April 10th, HopeBird - an artistic and musical troupe to sing for the...


The anti-imperialist front, superior in every aspect, will inevitably win

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum Can we win? Will our people...

On the mobilization of workers against the war in Italy and the anti-imperialist Front

Paolo Babini | Party of Committees to Support Resistance―for Communism (Italy) The Paris Declaration rightly...

What is your perspective on the evolution of the international situation?

Georges Gastaud | Pole of Communist Revival in France (PRCF) The interminable French electoral sequence,...

The anti-imperialist struggle of the peoples of the world must be victorious

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum  There is no end to imperialism’s...

The African anti-imperialist movement as a key component of the forces drivingthe global revolutionary movement

Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece) Introduction Nowadays, World War III (WWIII) is escalating into a...

Contribution of Borotba (Ukraine)

Alexei Albu | coordinator of the organization Borotba The world is entering a new phase...

The role of Britain’s Labour government, and the workers’ necessary response

Joti Brar | Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) No one paying attention can have...

The Third World War and the Importance of the World Anti-Imperialist Resistance

Christopher Helali | American Communist Party (ACP) Comrades, The world is on the verge of a...

The revolutionary patriots of Québec stand with the African people 

Action Socialiste de Libération Nationale (Québec) Comrades, allow us to begin our intervention with a...