

ACTION SOCIALISTE DE LIBÉRATION NATIONALE : déclaration du congrès extraordinaire du Parti communiste du Québec du 27 avril 2024

French Par décision du congrès extraordinaire du 27 avril 2024, le Parti communiste du Québec est désormais renommé Action socialiste de libération nationale (ASLN). L’ASLN, comme son nom l’indique, considère que les objectifs immédiats du prolétariat québécois sont la libération nationale...

Comments on the article “Still on the World Anti-Imperialist Platform” by Ivan Pinheiro

by Gabriel Martinez (Brazilian communist living in China) Ivan Pinheiro, a Brazilian communist leader and former secretary-general of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), recently published an article in which he expressed his concern about his party’s participation in meetings of...

Historic Athens International Conference – Athens Declaration and Palestine Declaration announced

The World Anti-imperialist Platform held historical Athens International Conference “A New Era Of Anti-imperialist Struggle” and the Athens Declaration and the Palestine Declaration were declared. On November 18th, the World Anti-imperialist Platform held the Athens International Conference in Drapetsona near...

Joint Statement in Athens : A seismic shift is taking place in the global balance of class forces. Anti-imperialists everywhere must play their part

English A seismic shift is taking place in the global balance of class forces. Anti-imperialists everywhere must play their part Joint statement by participants at the World Anti-imperialist Platform conference Athens, 17 November 2023 It cannot have escaped the attention of those gathered here today that a seismic shift...

The final victory of the anti-imperialists is certain

Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum, World Anti-imperialist Platform organizer International Theoretical Conference on Imperialism and War organized by NDF on 14-15 October 2023 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands The current situation is, in short, World War 3. World...

The World Anti-imperialist Platform Statement on Palestine Solidarity

Long live Palestine! As the Palestinian people enter the latest phase of their 75-year struggle for freedom from genocidal zionist occupation, the World Anti-imperialist Platform affirms its full and unconditional support for Palestine’s just war of self-defence and national liberation. Today, this...

Partido Comunista Peruano Statement on Palestine

SOLIDARIDAD CON LOS PUEBLOS PALESTINOS DE LA FRANJA DE GAZA Y CISJORDANIA El Partido Comunista Peruano expresa su solidaridad con los pueblos palestinos de la Franja de Gaza y Cisjordania ocupada, quienes desde hace 65 años vienen luchando por su liberación de...

All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Statement on Palestine

СИОНИСТЫ! РУКИ ПРОЧЬ ОТ ПАЛЕСТИНЫ! ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ СЕКРЕТАРИАТА ЦК ВКПБ (Нины Андреевой) в связи с военными действиями на Ближнем Востоке В последнее время ситуация на Ближнем Востоке вновь значительно обострилась. Утром 7 октября боевики движения «ХАМАС», базирующегося в палестинском анклаве ­сектор Газа, нанесли...


The recent counteroffensive waged by Palestinian forces against Israel, which has come to be known as the “Al-Aqsa Flood”, must not be viewed as an act of aggression from the Palestinian people. The attack has emerged out of a...

South Korean PDP Statement on Palestine

We condemn the US imperialist aggression! Free Palestine! The clash between Hamas and Israel is escalating to all-out war. In the early morning of July 7, Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel and its militants infiltrated, reportedly capturing dozens...

Under the banner of anti-imperialism, let us eliminate the source of war and bring forward the final victory

English Under the banner of anti-imperialism, let us eliminate the source of war and bring forward the final victory. Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum, Organizer of the World Anti-imperialist Platform 17 Sep 2023, Paris On September 13, 2023, North...

Joti Brar’s speech on Anti-imperialism Congress in Berlin, Germany

What is the essential political task and strategic orientation for communists and progressive forces in the current stage of struggle? If we want to work out what is our most important task at any particular moment, we must be able...

[October 2023] The 5th issue of Platform organ, We will fight together and win together

We will fight together and win together Stephen Cho | Coordinator of the Korean International Forum Commemoration of the 58th anniversary of the massacres in Indonesia, Colonel Fabien, ParisSeptember 8 2023 Indonesia’s tragedy is our tragedy. The tragedy is to suffer, whether...

Lebanese Communist Party Statement on Palestine

To rally all available capabilities in support of the Palestinian resistance. The Political Bureau of the Lebanese Communist Party expresses its strong solidarity with the Palestinian resistant fighters in light of their recent heroic actions. This morning, the Palestinian resistance...

The revolutionary forces of the world are firmly united under the banner of anti-imperialism and fighting for the final victory!

The Article is the Speech of the organizer of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, coordinator of the Corean International Forum, Stephen on June 10 in Athens, Greece. English / Greek English The revolutionary forces of the world are firmly united under the banner of anti-imperialism...

Platform organizer had a meeting with the Hungarian Workers’ Party

On April 22, organizer of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform, coordinator of the Corean International Forum, Stephen gave a lecture on the current international situation at the Hungarian Workers' Party. Before the meeting, Stephen visited the grave of János József Kádár,...

[Joint statement] Stop nuclear war exercises. Withdraw US troops from all foreign countries. No more nuclear provocations!

Stop nuclear war exercises. Withdraw US troops from all foreign countries. No more nuclear provocations! The nuclear war manoeuvres of aggressive US forces are pushing the Korean peninsula to the brink of war.  The US-South Koreas Freedom Shield military...

Los brillantes logros de Hugo Chávez

Spanish / English / Korean Spanish Los brillantes logros de Hugo Chávez Podemos resumir la contribución del Comandante Hugo Chávez a la lucha antiimperialista -una contribución cuyo legado nos acompaña hoy- en cinco logros significativos. En primer lugar, encontró métodos revolucionarios...

Joint statement of the Caracas anti-imperialist conference: One enemy, one fight!

English / Spanish / Korean English Joint statement of the Caracas anti-imperialist conference: One enemy, one fight! Standing here in Caracas, at the heart of the Bolivarian Revolution and of the struggle to unify and liberate Our America,...

Declaration Of Solidarity With The Peruvian People (Signing)

The political parties meeting on the occasion of the International Conference of the World Anti-Imperialism Platform, in Caracas, Venezuela on March 4, 2023, declare the following:1) We denounce before the international community the establishment in Peru of a civil-...